Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What Makes a Woman

"Not costly dress nor queenly air;
Not jeweled hand, complexion fair;
Not graceful form nor lofty tread,
Nor paint, nor curls, nor splendid head:
Not pearly teeth nor sparkling eyes,
Not voice that nightingale outives;
Not breath as sweet as eglantine,
Not gaudy gems nor fabrics fine;
Not all the stores of fashion's mart,
Not yet the blandishments of art;
Not one, nor all of these combined,
Can make one woman true, refined.

'Tis not the body that we prize,
But that which in the body lies.
These outward charms that please the sight

Are naught unless the heart be right.
She, to fulfill her destined end,
Must with her beauty goodness blend;
She must make it her incessant care
To deck herself with jewels rare;
Of priceless gems must be possessed,
In robes of richest beauty dressed;
Yet these must clothe the inward mind,
In purity the most refined.

She who hath all these virtues combined
Can man's rough nature well refine;
She will have all she needs in this frail life
To fit her for mother, sister, wife.
He who possesses such a friend,
Should cherish well till death doth end.
Woman, so fine, the mate should be
To sail with man o'er life's rough sea;
And, when the stormy cruise is o'er,
Attend him to fair Canaan's shore.

by Albert N. Raub

Oh, to be a woman who pleases the Lord. I've failed so often, but I know the Lord is still refining me more into the woman I need to be. It can be a difficult place to be, and a very humbling one, but with God's grace, I know that I will grow and change and hopefully, mature more into a godly woman who desires to please the Lord in all that I do.
I want to know God more.
I want to please God more.
I want to honour God more.
I want to obey God more.
I want to desire God more.
I want to love God more.
I want to thank God more.

I want to cherish God more.
I want to represent God more.
I want to serve God more.
I want to be in awe of God more.
I want to pray to God more.
I want to listen to God more.
I want to study God more.

I want to stand in the presence of God forever and worship Him at His feet.
Oh for that day!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, I loved this! Thank you for sharing!!
