Hebrews 12:1-3
"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Some statements adapted from Rick Holland:
Knowing about something isn't knowing something.
Do you just know it or do you live it?
Liking Jesus does not equate to living for Jesus.
Is Jesus apart of your life or is He your life?
How can you find spiritual traction to your life?
Hebrews 12:1-3
When we're contaminated with the world:
we've rededicated our lives to Christ over and over again without ever having assurance of our salvation
we've continued in the same habitual sin patterns for years and have never overcome them or our desire to
repented over and over again without ever changing our ways
How can I get traction in my spiritual life?
1. find the intended inspiration - "so great a cloud of witnesses"
2. eliminate every sin and distraction - "every encumbrance...which so easily entangles us"
3. run the Christian race - "the race that is set before us"
4. concentrate your faith on Jesus - "author and perfecter of faith"
5. be motivated by the gospel - "for consider Him...so that you will not grow weary and lose heart"
The life of faith is not too hard. It's already been paved for you. We're not blazing a new trail - we're following one.
John 13-17
How to live life with Him without Him.
How to live life without Him with Him.
He was telling them of His absence so they could enjoy His presence then and in heaven.
When we eliminate every sin and distraction, we need to consider who and what we need to eliminate.
Anything that's an ongoing crippling sin is what you need to get rid of - and ask yourself, what is it?
lust? lying? anger? jealousy? liberty? laziness?
What sin do you constantly hear the Holy spirit pricking in your soul?
Matthew 5:27-30
Cut it off! Pluck it out!
You need a radical amputation of sin in order to have traction in your spiritual life.
Run the Christian race.
To know if you're in the race - are you tired and weary?
A true Christian is sensitive to the sin that is making them weary.
Are you postponing your obedience? Because if you are, then it's simply called disobedience.
Concentrate your faith on Jesus, "author and perfecter of faith".
Jesus is the greatest example of how to live by faith.
Fix your eyes on Him and Him alone!
You can't look at Jesus AND the world at the same time.
And if you're not always looking to Jesus, you're not fixed on the race and the finish.
A constant view of the glory of Christ will revive our souls and cause our spiritual lives to flourish and thrive.
- John Owen
Look FULL in His wonderful face!
1. You have to learn to compare.
Compare the world to Christ. The world will never be able to give you what you think it can give you. Only Christ can fully satisfy you.
2. You have to learn to meditate.
You will die if you don't daily feed your soul with the words of God.
How much better Jesus is than sin!
Christ Jesus is the life of all the graces and comforts of a Christian in this world.
- John Fawcett
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