Psalm 19 and Isaiah 6 have been the sustaining points of clarity in John MacArthur's life.
Sound theology.
Sound life.
Psalm 19 is divine revelation. Verses 1-6 describe creation. And verses 7-9 gives us a clear revelation in six clear statements.
6 words................................................................6 characteristics........................................................6 effects
(of the Lord)
law perfect restoring the soul
testimony sure making wise the simple
precepts right rejoicing the heart
commandments pure enlightening the eyes
fear of the Lord clean enduring forever
judgements true righteous altogether
(of the Lord)
"perfect" - as opposed to incomplete
Therefore, Scripture is fully complete - perfect!
"restore" - transforming the soul (the inner person)
Therefore, the Scripture is fully complete so that it can totally transform the whole inner person. (rebirth - regeneration - salvation)
"testimony" - the Lord's testimony
This is Who I am. This is what I've done.
"sure" - reliable
The Word of the Lord is a sure, reliable, trustworthy, true Word!
And it makes simple people wise!
simple - an open door (everything goes in, everything goes out)
When you say you have an open mind, God would say "Shut it!"
1 Peter 1:23
John 17:17 Your Word is Truth!
Scripture is divine doctrine.
"right" - not opposed to wrong. A right direction or path.
Fixed eternal doctrine sets a right path.
The 'Word' sets the path.
The 'Word' lights the path.
The result - rejoicing the heart!
True joy is tied to obedience.
Jeremiah 15:16
Obedience will give you a clear conscience. You will find deep down profound joy!
Scripture is not suggestions - it's commandments!
And those commandments are pure.
"pure" - it's clear
Scripture is the worship manual.
You can only worship to the level of the comprehension you have of God's glory.
It's clean! Unstained! Enduring forever!
God is a righteous judge! - a divine one!
His commandments are so clear, they enlighten our eyes!
The Word is clear and unchanging and endures forever.
Scripture produces comprehensive righteousness - comprehensive efficiency of the Word of God!
The Word of God is our greatest:
Our response - Let us be acceptable in God's sight
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